I would like to invite you to explore some of my previous work
Go to Swivel
We were challenged to design for peripheral interaction with the Philips Hue system.
Go to SummaCaren
A simple way to support the connection between senior citizens and professional care providers.
Go to POMs: Design for Confidence
POMs: Design for Confidence
My final bachelors project was a crafting kit to empower preteen girls to have agency over their emotions.
Go to Comfitube Project
Comfitube Project
Continued from my previous work, a tool that will support the precision of the tube location verification.
Showcase of of my masters
Here you can explore the different activities and projects from throughout my two year master program at the TU/e
Vision and Identity
Who I am as a designer
Final Master Project Reflection
Master competency growth
Future Ambitions
Life after graduation…
Get in touch